
The MindShift Gear TrailScape 18L is the pack I have been looking for. When you need to go out for an adventure and you want to carry a lot of lenses plus the outdoor gear you need look no further.
As my avid readers may know I am a fan of MindShift Gear bags. I have a few and they are the best way to carry a camera while out hiking, cycling or climbing. When I saw they were making a new bag that could carry a menagerie of lenses including a big zoom and gear for your adventure in a compact size I had to check it out.
I carry my camera (OMD-EM1) and a few lenses when out looking for wildlife to take pictures. A few of those adventures involve me riding a few miles to the trailhead and then going hiking. This bag works perfectly for that.
The TrailScape 18L has plenty of pockets for a tripod, extra layers, food a tablet and laptop and all of your photo gear.
I really am a huge fan of carrying Nalgene water bottles and these pockets eat them up with room to spare.
Inside the pack you can fit a big lens and plenty of other lenses in reconfigurable padded compartments. You may note the pack in the bottom pocket, that is the included rain cover. In this pic I have the Olympus 300mm Pro on the EM1, the MC-14 teleconverter, 8mm, 40-150mm Pro, 12-40mm and 75mm.
The inner pocket has room for batteries, lens wipes, filters and more.
The top of the outside pocket has a fleece lined pocket for you sunglasses.
Now inside the outer pocket you have plenty of pockets to organize batteries, bars, headlamp and plenty of layers. I have a puffy vest, knit cap and a shell in this pic. There is a pocket for a tablet or 13″ laptop in there as well.
This pack has what you need to move fast and far in the backcountry with all of your photo gear. I have been looking for something to carry the 300mm Pro and my other lenses safe and secure while on the trail- this is that pack.
MindShift Gear says: http://www.mindshiftgear.com/products/trailscape-18l
The TrailScape offers a spacious interior, allowing for plenty of photo gear, yet maintains a slim and compact profile. As an outdoor photographer, you always carry extra gear on your adventure, so lash points and dedicated compartments for a light jacket or lunch are essential. Laptop and tablet slots come in handy when you travel. And the TrailScape is built for comfort with a padded shoulder harness for longer hikes.
Thanks for the review. Do you think you could get a E-M1 and E-M5ii in the bag with say a 40-150 PRO and 12-40 PRO lens mounted?
Aushiker – Without a doubt they will fit. You could even have space for a few more lenses. This pack holds a lot but is not saggy or wieldy. You'll dig it.
Thanks. Will likely pull the pin on one this weekend.
Thanks for the review of the Mindshift Trailscape 18l. I have this bag on short list but would like to clarify if you think it would take a Olympus OM-D E-M1 with a 40-150 and a Olympus OM-D E-M5ii with say a 12-40 both in ready to shoot mode?