Review Rickshaw Bagwords Moleskine Folio

As a long time Moleskine notebook user I was psyched when I saw the Rickshaw Moleskine Folio.

Here is a little background on Rickshaw. It was started by the original founder of Timbuk2 bags. My crazy old deedog is still going strong after 15 years. Granted I use a backpack now. But that’s besides the point. Unlike the current Timbuk2s Rickshaw makes all its stuff by hand in San Francisco.

I picked up the waterproof X-Pac model.

Your Moleskine slips in to the folio, where there is a little pocket.

There is a piece of neoprene that sits between the notebook and the pens to keep the moleskine from getting marred.

There is a zippered pocket, that I keep all of my cards in.

Then there are 4 pockets for your scribblers.

It is about an inch thick when closed.

Now it is a bit on the pricy side at $50. Which is hard to spend when if you are like me you have a drawer full of free folios from conferences. This is nothing like those free one you get at NerdCon, so much nicer. This little folio is very useful, I always have what I need at meetings and can jam my iphone in there if I have to go to a meeting where I can’t take a laptop.

The only negative thing I can think of is that mine came with a very small rip in the fabric.

There is a cool video showing it of fby Mark from rickshaw:

Rickshaw Moleskine Folio Features from Rickshaw Bagworks on Vimeo.

You can find out more here:

And it looks like they have a Smart Phone version now. Oh I wish I had that one.


  1. any chance you are looking to sell a rickshaw moleskine folio? or can offer a slightly cheaper alternative. i dont mind paying 50 dollars bus as i am in the UK they are look another 40 dollars postage!!!

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