Ride Report: Raystown Lake Allegrippis Trails

Over the past three years the Army Corps of Engineer and IMBA built 30 miles of singletrack in central PA @ Raystown Lake. The trail system is called the Allegreppis trails.

I made the 2.5 hour drive out there and rode the trails. Everything is marked so well.

What is really nice is that the trails are really long, really tight with tons of turns and woop-de-doos. The ride is like 30 miles of a pump track. They built all these dips in to the trails that make it a blast. If you don’t get some air you were not riding there.

I stopped check the map a few times when I was far from the car, but I really didn’t care that much, since the trails were just that good.

I think I rode over 6 rocks on the entire ride, the trails aren’t boring though, every turn is banked, everything is fast. It is a blast. I really pushed the pace since it was so much fun, so I bonked hard at the 2.5 hour point. But I still had a while to get back to the car.

Oh and there were some nice views
I think I’ll be making the drive out there a lot more in the future.


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