Review: Rudy Project Rydon Glasses

I purchased a pair of Rudy Project Rydon glasses with Photocromatic lenses from my local bike shop. They are nice fitting, have really quick to react lenses to lighting conditions and are almost 100% clear when there is no outside light.

After wearing them in dry warm conditions I thought they were the bees knees.

Then I wore them in a rainy cross race and they fogged up like nobody’s business. I had to take them off and put them in my jersey pocket.

So I wore them on a cool day and man they fog up all the time. They were REALLY pricey and this is not cool.

I’d say if you ride in cool or damp weather skip them. In fact they are a bother if its below 60 or humid in the least.

But dry conditions like out west these would rock.

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