Ride Report: Cheat Mountain Challenge

I rode the Cheat Mountain Challenge this weekend with my wife and two friends. We did 78 miles. Oddly enough you have the choice for signing up for either the metric century or the century. But the metric is 78 miles… It is an amazing ride so I was psyched it was a little longer.

It was on a Saturday this year, which meant a late post work departure and dark drive out to Snowshoe Mountain West Virginia. Actually in the Mini Cooper with the rally lights, it was a super fun drive.

It was a cold foggy start.

Actually it was cold and foggy until about 2 hours in.

But after that the skies cleared and it was a beautiful day.

The aid stations were amazing, the nicest people in the world man them. Good food, pb & j for calories and tasty potato chips for sodium.

The ride ends with a killer 7 mile climb to the top of Snowshoe. But this year, unlike last year they had the finish line in the middle of the mountain village which made for an exciting finish. I sprinted it out with some dude, it was rad.

Also one of the coolest things that they do is give you a pass to use the showers at the pool, which is great since I had a 4 hour drive home.

If you have the chance to do this ride, don’t pass it up.


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