Review: Velo Orange Two Leg Stand

I have a Park Tool PCS-10 stand down in the basement bike lab. But I wanted to be able to tinker on the bike in the garage or at the trail head. Velo Orange had this stand on their web site, which is made by Pyramid. It is quite handy to have, It lifts the rear wheel off the ground so you can work on your gears, clean your chain, or just hold the bike up while you hit it with the hose.

This weekend I used it to repack my headset, put on my Velo Orange Bell, switch our my rear rack and install a set of Paul Touring Brakes. I have to say it is really handy, not a replacement for a full size stand, but if you have limited space or limited wrenching needs this would be perfect. I am happy I own it.

VO says it can fit in the top drawer of your toolbox, not my toolbox… maybe someone else’s gigantic toolbox though…

Available over at Velo Orange for $15

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