Tour De Cure

I rode the tour de cure Pittsburgh diabetes fund raiser 100 mile ride this Sunday. It was a good time.

It was 49 degrees out when we started at 6:30 am. Was I glad I brought arm warmers. But it warmed up to 86 by the time we were done.

I thought the route was really nice, great roads, but it was poorly marked, really poorly marked.
I have been trying to eat better while doing endurance events, so I ate a Luna Bar every hour on the hour, drank a ton and helped myself to the nice half pb&j sammiches’ in the 4 rest stops.

A good note about my road bike, the Seven Odonata, I did not have a sore neck, back, hands. So I am not changing anything on that bike.

It was a good time, 6 hours and 15 minutes later I was done.


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