Yearly Info

Last year for the first time ever I kept track of every single workout I did. Mostly it was riding, but I included weights, hiking, running…

Also I broke this down by what type of riding, do I ride my road bike as much as my cross bike, or do I really ride when it is cold out? (aka should I buy new road wheels or do I need a nice winter riding jacket?)

Enough words, lets get to the pictures:

Now lets get to the numbers:
Mountain rides: 78
Road Rides: 34
Cross Rides: 49
Commuter Rides: 300 ( or 150 days)

Average times:
Mountain: 1 hour 15 minutes
Road: 2 hours
Cross: 1 hour 17 minutes
Commute: 32 minutes (or 1 hour 4 minutes per day)

I really ride the mountain bike a lot huh? Which would make sense, I live 10 feet from some really nice single track. After work I get back from my commute and I don’t want to go on a road ride and think about traffic… I can throw on my headphones and head right in to the park.

But this year I think I will try and ride a bit more road.

So I spent 416 hours on the bike last year. If I take a conservative guess of 9mph average speed I would have ridden 3744 miles last year.

Overall I am happy I kept track of my riding and encourage you to try it out. Its a neat experiment. I wrote a program that some friends are using which shows your workout hours along side your friends. It has definitely got me riding more than ever before.

I am also going to track my weight with the same tool this year, you know to help further my eating disorder.

But now it is time to start thinking of my goals for next season. Or as I like to call them “winter day dreams”.


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