Riding in DC/NOVA

I was in DC for work again all last week. The great thing is its within driving distance for me.

But why I like it, is that I can bring my road bike and go for a ride everyday after work.

I jump on the W. O. & D. (washington and old dominion), then connect to the 4 mile run, and back up the Custis trail to the hotel.

But whats tricky is I had no idea how to connect the W. O. & D. down to the airport, and around to the Potomac. I ran in to the nicest commuter in the world (on a 95 Kona Kileua!) who showed me how to connect it. You take the WO&D to Walter Reed Road, take a right, about 100′ then take a hard left on to the bike path. Stay on the bike path until you see Quincy st, take a right, then an immediate left on to the sidewalk at the light. Then follow the bike path over I-395. At the bottom of the ramp, go left, and left again on to Martha Custis Drive. Follow that to a light at Glebe Road, then take Glebe over a bridge and make a hard right on to the bike path. After cruising by the Potomac you have to finish with a long climb up the Custis trail.

Great ride, and so much better than riding hte bike in the gym. Here’s my GMAP-Pedometer version of it.

But I could start flying down if I had a Ritchey Logic Break-Away. Damn I want that bike. Time to sell some stuff and pick one up. This blog easily has 4 readers, that should warrant a free frame for test rides right?

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