Hydro no more

No races for me this past weekend, Laura did the Baltimore Marathon so we went down to B’more and DC. We stayed at the Marriott right at the start line. So convenient. You know how it goes, some early morning cross town jaunt in your car looking for the start line, but all the roads are closed for the race… No problem when you stay at the start.

But I got out on a mountain ride Sunday when I got home. Just trying to spin easy and enjoy this awesome weather. I was riding up a steep little uphill when my chain broke. So I grabbed a handful of rear brake. Oddly enough the lever hit the bar.

The hydraulic cable shot off the end of the lever. Then the fluid spewed out.

And I rolled backwards down the hill having no idea what the hell was going on…
So a year ago the hydraulic cable on the rear brake was starting to crack and I was going to fix it. Checking the prices for cable and a bleed kit on line I was amazed at the price. It would have cost me around $70 to get going. Well I am never one to shy away from purchasing a tool and went to my LBS to buy the goods.

They did not have one but said they could put the new cable on for $20. Hell to save $50 I’d have them do it. And for the first time in 20 years I took my bike to have some one else work on it.

Oddly enough when I picked up the bike the bill came to $70. You know $20 for the hose and $50 for labor. WTF? I mean I could have bought the kit for that.

And what cable broke off? The one they replaced.

I ordered a set of Avid BB7s from Speedgoat, going back to cable. I have cables on my cross bike and they rock, my girl has BB5s on her FSR and they are fine. No more hydraulic brakes for me. I should have known, I hated my rim brake maguras in 1995.

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