Review: Metrinch Tools

My friend turned me on to the Metrinch tools many years ago. These things are handy! Not the ratchet wrench there, but the other one above is a Metrinch. Metrinch’s shtick is that One wrench can do both standard and metric. It grabs bolts with the round bumps, so on the flat parts of the nut, not the edges. They are also better at getting out stripped nuts and bolts as a result.

I can’t recommend these enough. Go vist Metrinch and pick up a set. I have both the wrenches and the socket set.

Oddly enough, my set of crescent wrenches came with two 10mm wrenches and no 12mm wrench. So I emailed Metrinch US ( and they said they would send me a new one if I sent the old one back. Which is ok, since they have no idea where I bought them from and I could have been lying.

But then I noticed the 9mm was not a metrinch design but a regular wrench. Now I got these off ebay years ago and used to keep it in my scooter, and never noticed. I guess I’ll send that back too. So lesson, if you buy the set off of ebay, make sure it comes with all the right parts.

So check yours when you first get it in the mail.

My set of sockets and wrenches had no problems at all, so just the set of crescent wrenches had problems.

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