I got the Princeton Tec Swerve when I realized the Bell Metro helmet I had been wearing just never really fit me, sure it rocked what with its helmet cover, ear warmers and vent hole plugs for winter riding. But it never fit right. One of the nicest features of that helmet was the light clip on the back.
I switched to my other helmet and had no place for a helmet light. Helmet lights are a great idea because they get the light to a higher position which is more noticeable to drivers. At least I think so… The swerve comes with an abundance of mounting options and this works for me.
It is very bright with two 1/2 watt led’s built in. Plus a really nice feature is the large on/off switch. Doesn’t seem like much to care about, but when you have gloves on a big switch is so nice.
The light has one focused and one 180° light.