Trip Report: Mountainbiking the Dragonview Trail

 This fun adventure ride is in the Cameo Cliffs area outside Moab, just south of Lopez Arch. Park at the gate in the fence off the highway after the Lopez Arch sign and if you’ve hit Steen Road you’ve gone too far. The first 25 minutes are on a sandy two track that travels down across a wash and up to a little slick rock area. 

Then you descend to another wash, when you climb out of it the trail sort of ends, but the keen eyed among you will notice some white dots on the left. Follow these to adventure. It meanders along the canyon rim above hook and ladder gulch for a while. There is some serious risk of death if you clip a handlebar. So be careful.  At one point it gets too off camber/steep for me to follow, so you can retrace your steps. If you have a fatbike you descend off of the edge of the slick rock  follow the wash and pop back up closer to the start, which is my prefered route. 

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